Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lowering WR250F for Paul with YamaLink

Lowering the WR250F for UK rider Paul. He writes "I'm planning to push the forks through the triple clamps (but look like their's only 15-20mm space available) & setting rear sag to about 100 mm with stock spring. Hoping that will work initially I'm around 180 pounds (without riding kit) experienced road bike rider but only beginning off road, planning to ride UK trails rather than tracks or jumps. Anything else I should consider for a base setting?"

Our reply: Paul, you'll notice the recommended range is 3mm to 6mm. Why? Changes to front alter the geometry at a much different rate than changes to the rear. Meaning: there is no 1:1 ratio.

For the 2003 WR250F you need a heavier spring even WITHOUT a YamaLink. The stock spring is set for a rider about 160 pounds. At your weight you'll need a heavier spring, also, with a YamaLink to achieve proper sag and balanced handling.

The stock spring rate is a 4.8kg. At your weight WITHOUT a YamaLink you need a 5.2kg or closest to achieve proper sag. WITH a YamaLink you need a 5.6kg spring to achieve proper sag.

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