Friday, August 15, 2008

going outside is uncomfortable

Out of all my nosy neighbors, there is one directly to my left. Mary. She's super fit and each time I run or exercise she's out there too. In fact, when I'm driving into town to get my beer on I see her and her big super ugly dog exercising more.

I spoke to her once and it was very uncomfortable. She has a drawl and she's methodical in her actions which are two of my top twenty peeves (the other 18 include slow drivers, my mom in outlet track suits with cursive writing on the back, old people who think everyone should give them leeway cuz they survived the Big War...of 1812, fake blondes with fake laughs, small talk and slow-moving post office lines).

But now she has her 70-something boyfriend living with her! The thought of two 70-something people spending the remainder of the golden years should be heart-warming. No. He sits on the patio all morning long reading which makes it difficult for me to walk out and cinch up the shoes to go on my run because they want to make small talk (see above list of partial pet peeves). Thank god they're not in track suits cuz I'd go postal very quickly.

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