Today's yamaha lowering link question comes from the far reaches of Australia....
Q: Quick question if you don't mind, is it absolutely necessary to lower the front? What would be the side effects of not doing this?
A: Okay, let's assume your stock sag is properly set for your weight right now at 3.9 to 4.1 inches (99mm to 104mm). Then you add the YamaLink.....the instructions read to reset sag at factory spec of 99 to 104mm for maximum lowering. If you do NOT reset sag and just install the YamaLink you will have too much sag in the back.
Which leads us to your fork question. If you do nothing to the fork your bike will turn very very slowly because the rear will be much lower than the front. Yes, it will be super stable, but it will ride like a chopper. So after resetting sag with the YamaLink slide the forks UP in the triple clamps, starting at approximate 6mm. Adjust until your Yamaha turns nicely yet does not headshake and it is still stable
but doesn't turn slowly.
Doing the forks takes just a few minutes. Retorque triple clamp bolts and you're done.
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