No different than any other bike with our other YamaLinks. Just need to be properly sprung and have sag set correctly for the bike to handle properly. The YamaLink is strong enough (one local guy does 100 mile desert races through the gnarly whoops and ditches) and the WR250R is strong enough.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Motocross the WR250R!
Does the YamaLink fit the 2007 WR250F? It does.
It's happened once before, but the WR250 customer laughed it off when he realized within seconds that actually reading the included install guide would help.
We read your claim that the 2007-2011 WR250F YamaLink did not fit. We
replied, basically stating we presume you did not read the instructions, and
after our phone conversation where you stated you indeed did NOT read the
instructions before filing your claim we know for a fact there is
about a 16mm gap in your bearings, hence the not fitting issue. I will
copy/paste the section of your included installation instructions which
which will help your YamaLink fit:
2. Pick up the stock rocker. Stick a finger in the 2 main pivots & pull out
the metal bushings & pivot pins. Insert into the YamaLink. Be careful no
needle bearings pop out. Everything should “snap” straight into place.
After you have done that please take the time to read the other part of the
written instructions about resetting sag and being properly sprung. If you
do not choose to read these instructions your YamaLink will wallow, bottom
and understeer.
Thank you, and please feel free to cancel your dispute over the YamaLink not fitting because we know for a fact it does fit. Additional assistance is just a phone call away (please leave a message unlike your previous attempts) or reply to this email or the one you received last week regarding shipping information.